
Ohad Gilbar, Gnall, Katherine E, Cole, Hannah E, and Taft, Casey T. 2020. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Intimate Partner Violence, And Trauma-Informed Intervention. Violence And Mental Disorders, Pp. 115-134.
Colin T Mahoney, Cole, Hannah E, Gilbar, Ohad , and Taft, Casey T. 2020. The Role Of Impulsivity In The Association Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity And Substance Use In Male Military Veterans. Journal Of Traumatic Stress, 33, Pp. 296–306.
Ohad Gilbar, Dekel, Rachel , Spector-Mersel, Gabriela , and Levi, Ofir . 2019. The Crisis In Achieving A Sense Of Manhood Among Israeli Veterans Who Suffer From Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms.. Psychology Of Men & Masculinities, 20, Pp. 93.
Ohad Gilbar, Dekel, Rachel , Hyland, Philip , and Cloitre, Marylene . 2019. The Role Of Complex Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms In The Association Between Exposure To Traumatic Events And Severity Of Intimate Partner Violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 98, Pp. 104174.
Ohad Gilbar, Benbenishty, Rami , Schiff, Miriam , and Dekel, Rachel . 2018. Foster Parents Exposed To Political Violence: The Role Of Social Support In Addressing Emotional And Functional Difficulties. Children And Youth Services Review, 85, Pp. 211–218.
Ohad Gilbar, Hyland, Philip , Cloitre, Marylene , and Dekel, Rachel . 2018. Icd-11 Complex Ptsd Among Israeli Male Perpetrators Of Intimate Partner Violence: Construct Validity And Risk Factors. Journal Of Anxiety Disorders, 54, Pp. 49-56.
Miriam Schiff, Dekel, Rachel , Gilbar, Ohad , and Benbenishty, Rami . 2018. Helping The Helpers: Post-Traumatic Distress And Need For Help Among Israeli Social Workers In Foster Care Agencies Following Armed Conflict. Child & Family Social Work, 23, 3, Pp. 466–474.
Hope Christie, Talmon, Anat , Schäfer, Sarah Katharina , De Haan, Anke , Vang, Maria Louison , Haag, Katharina , Gilbar, Ohad , Alisic, Eva , and Brown, Erin . 2017. The Transition To Parenthood Following A History Of Childhood Maltreatment: A Review Of The Literature On Prospective And New ParentsÂ&Euro;&Trade; Experiences. European Journal Of Psychotraumatology, 8, 7, Pp. 1492834.