
Ohad Gilbar, Charak, Ruby , Trujillo, Oscar , Cantu, Jorge I, Cavazos, Valeria , and Lavi, Iris . 2023. Meta-Analysis Of Cyber Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration And Victimization: Different Types And Their Associations With Face-To-Face Ipv Among Men And Women. Trauma, Violence, \& Abuse, 24, 3, Pp. 1948-1965.
Michael Weinberg, Soffer, Michal , and Gilbar, Ohad . 2023. Ptsd And Public Stigma: Examining The Relationship Between Public Stigmas Attached To Ptsd And Self-Esteem, Spirituality, And Well-Being.. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, And Policy.
Lauren Kelada, Schiff, Miriam , Gilbar, Ohad , Pat-Horenczyk, Ruth , and Benbenishty, Rami . 2023. University Students' Psychological Distress During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Structural Equation Model Of The Role Of Resource Loss And Gain. Journal Of Community Psychology, 51, 7, Pp. 3012--3028.
Maxine Davis, Ombayo, Bernadette , and Gilbar, Ohad . 2022. Examining The Role Of National Context: Do Country Conditions During Childhood Impact Perpetration Of Dating Violence In Emerging Adulthood?. Journal Of Interpersonal Violence, 37, Pp. NP19016–NP19041.
Ohad Gilbar, Gelkopf, Marc , and Greene, Talya . 2022. Perceived Stress During Covid-19: Community Resilience Three Years Before The Pandemic As A Protective Factor. International Journal Of Disaster Risk Reduction, 82, Pp. 103337.
Orit Nuttman-Shwartz, Dekel, Rachel , Gilbar, Ohad , and Charak, Ruby . 2022. Perpetrating Cyber Intimate Partner Violence: The Role Of Gender And Culture In An Israeli Sample.. Journal Of Aggression, Maltreatment \& Trauma.
Ohad Gilbar, Gelkopf, Marc , Berger, Rony , and Greene, Talya . 2022. Risk Factors For Depression And Anxiety During Covid-19 In Israel: A Two-Wave Study Before And During The Pandemic. Stress And Health, 38, Pp. 736–745.
Ines Cano-Gonzalez, Charak, Ruby , Gilbar, Ohad , Vi{\~n}as-Racionero, Rosa , and Strait, Megan K. 2022. Witnessing Parental Violence And Cyber Ipv Perpetration In Hispanic Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role Of Attitudes Toward Ipv. Journal Of Interpersonal Violence, 37, Pp. 9-10.
Diana MPadilla Medina, Gilbar, Ohad , and Williams, Jessica R. 2021. Development Of A Questionnaire On Intentions To Engage In Dating Violence Among Puerto Rican Residents. Journal Of Family Violence, Pp. 1–13.
Hannah E Cole, Gilbar, Ohad , Gnall, Katherine E, Eckhardt, Christopher I, and Taft, Casey T. 2021. Examining Executive Functioning As A Moderator Of Intimate Partner Violence Risk In Veterans. Journal Of Family Violence, Pp. 1-12.
Gabriela Spector-Mersel and Gilbar, Ohad . 2021. From Military Masculinity Toward Hybrid Masculinities: Constructing A New Sense Of Manhood Among Veterans Treated For Ptss. Men And Masculinities, 24, 5, Pp. 862-883.
Maxine Davis, Gilbar, Ohad , and Padilla-Medina, Diana M. 2021. Intimate Partner Violence Victimization And Perpetration Among Us Adults During The Earliest Stage Of The Covid-19 Pandemic. Violence And Victims, 36, 5, Pp. 583--603.
Ohad Gilbar, Gelkopf, Marc , Berger, Rony , and Greene, Talya . 2021. Risk Factors For Depression And Anxiety During Covid-19 In Israel: A Two-Wave Study Before And During The Pandemic. European Journal Of Psychotraumatology, Pp. 28–29.
Ohad Gilbar, Taft, Casey T, and Gnall, Katherine E. 2021. Gender Differences In Relations Between Social Information Processing, Ptsd Symptoms, And Intimate Partner Violence.. Psychology Of Violence, 11, 6, Pp. 539.