Supervision of MA Students
2022- present
Naomi Ben-Gal, The Moderating Role of Belonging to Different Origins and Cultures on the Association Between Trauma and Intimate Partner Violence, Among Abusive Men
Liron Cohen, The mediating role of emotional dyesregulation in the association between post-traumatic distress and the frequency of intimate partner violence among abusive men
Sapir Gershon, The role of physical symptoms related to trauma exposure in predicting the frequency of intimate partner violence among abusive men
Ziv Azaria Mizrachi, The motivation to change among men who use intimate partner violence (Joint supervision with Dr. Michael Weinberg)
Shirly Noa Cohen, PTSD/ Disturbances in Self-Organization (DSO) and Alcohol Use Effect on IPV and Anger Management (Joint supervision with Dr. Michael Weinberg),
Itamar Paz, Intimate partner violence among men: examining the role of male depression syndrome compared to post-traumatic stress and clinical depression symptoms (Joint supervision with Dr. Michael Weinberg)
2023- present
Golda Abramson-Pritchard, The effects of perception of trauma on the frequency and severity of intimate partner violence
Bat-Chen Barashi Salomon, The contribution of group cohesion and therapeutic alliance to the relationship between early attachment patterns and intimate partner violence among men.
Supervision of PhD Students
Dana Cohen, Examining the contribution of mentalization in predicting the success of dating violence prevention programs. Joint supervision with Dr. Danna Lassri.